Sitemap - 2015 - Information Equilibrium

Facebook as microscope

Holiday/blogging hiatus

ZIRP is over ... let the experiment begin.

Who said macroeconomics isn't an experimental science?

Information theory 101 (information equilibrium edition)

An empirical validation of k - (k - 1) = 1

Abenomics or optical illusion?

Who has two thumbs and isn't stumped?

Switzerland's negative interest rates

The effect of a rate increase coming out of the Fed's Dec 2015 meeting

Japan's RGDP growth

Scale invariance and constant returns to scale


Mayan targetan on-when NGDP

Limit cycles versus avalanches

Supply, demand, stock, flow

More of Draghi's open mouth operations

Please don't help

NY Fed DSGE model "update"

Some day my long run will come

Money is that which is conserved via a symmetry principle

By magic number, Nick Rowe means scale of the theory

300 years of interest rates

Principal component = information equilibrium model?

Maximum entropy better than game theory (again)

Department of Huh? Rent control edition

Non-deflation non-surprise

The minimum wage in Info Econ 101

Speaking of math ...

David Beckworth's inflation corridor

Math up

DSGE form of the IT model (active but not interactive)

DSGE form of the IT model (interactive)

Counting backwards

Is there a difference between a monetary and a barter economy?

Business cycle for men

The housing bubble: a personal view

Noah's unlearning economics

Does market monetarism exist in reaction to fiscal stimulus?

Scott Sumner doesn't understand other macro models

Matthew Yglesias moves the goalposts on Abenomics


The baby-sitting co-op as an information transfer model

The impotence of great men

Is micro stickiness enough?

Internal devaluation and the fluctuation theorem

Checking it twice (GDP and GDI)

Scooping the Financial Times

Temporal shapes of discount factors and utility functions

On limits

Expecting more precision than possible

If a model result is silly, question the scope before questioning the model

The value premium and non-ideal information transfer

Monkeys and markets

Are we no longer safe from a recession?

Partitions of an economy

Statistical mechanics of ants

CPI inflation predictions and unwarranted speculation

Who should we listen to?

Musical chairs and Taylor rules

Core PCE inflation update

Moral intuition versus logical intuition

Knowing less than we think: NGDP edition (corrected)

Sterling-Euro exchange rates

Do counterintuitive economic results make sense?

A uniform distribution arises ...

Info EQ 101, addendum

Info EQ 101

Is the endowment effect rational?

Rejection #1

Draghi's open mouth operations

The paradigm dependence of the productivity slowdown

Interest rate dynamics!

Utility maximization and crystal spheres

What is real growth?

Can we extrapolate growth into the distant past?

The SMD theorem and ... oh, no ... not another physics analogy

Emergent representative agents: a means to an end

When is an intertemporal budget constraint a true budget constraint?

Core CPI and lags

Potentially file under: thinking we know more than we do (corrected)

Gary Becker's emergent rational agents

The representative macro-theory agent differs from micro-theory agents

Deaton's paradox and the dimension of consumption space

Economics as and versus social science

Pegged interest rates = hyperinflation?

I hope Angus Deaton gets a chance to cancel out Tom Sargent

Noah is stealing my material

The global productivity frontier and dark matter

A random walk inside the simplex: unemployment and MINIMAC

Draft paper now a preprint on the arXiv

Utility maximization and entropy maximization

Trust is human capital that isn't excludable

Interest rate parity and neo-Fisherism

Causing you to do X versus giving you the option to do X

The contrapositive of the fallacy of composition

Neutrino oscillations

Coins as a monetary aggregate

Corporate prediction markets aggregate random behavior

So many monetary policy shocks!

Mistakes, random behavior or complex behavior?

It doesn't feel like we're maximizing

We built this theory on scope conditions

Robert Waldmann buries the lede in comments

Economic forecasts are not similar to physical science forecasts

Prediction update: core PCE inflation

Information equilibrium and the taxation of capital

The Phillips curve and the information transfer index

In case of deletion ...

Updated the draft paper

A return to deflation in Japan wouldn't be out of the cards

An MZM quantity theory?

The unobservables

Random correlation of the day

Price movements

The price revolution and non-ideal information transfer

The classical mechanics of Wicksell

Two deep looks into microfoundations

Prediction aggregation, redux

"the initial price move ... cannot itself be correct"

Hot potatoes and entropy; QE and inflation

Correctly predicting Eurozone lowflation

Gambling and information equilibrium

Will they?

Misunderstanding inflation in the WSJ


The rest of that NGDP growth vs base growth graph

Thought experiments in alternate universes

Stuff measured by GDP and the emergent representative agent

Black-Scholes and information equilibrium

On algebra

The emergent representative agent [1]

Predictions doing well after 18 months

Do NGDP futures markets already exist?

A note about notation

Quantitative jellybeans

A different thermodynamic theory of money

What's wrong with Dani Rodrik's view of economics

Price as a stochastic process

Matthew Yglesias and the economic theory of everything

Canada's new recession

Machine learning and implicit theorizing

Bachelier was no Einstein

Information equilibrium and the gravity model of trade

Is human agency Noah's big unchallenged assumption?

Scott Sumner's information equilibrium model

Entropy is working for the weekend

Rational expectations and information theory

Sticky wages?

Information equilibrium as an economic principle

Don't forget the VAT

The Chinese unemployment rate

Employment doesn't depend on inflation

Comparison of interest rate predictions

The Dungeons and Dragons approach to economics

Interest rates and predictions

Giant molecules and representative agents

Are higher interest rates inflationary?

Explicit implicit models

A trivial maximum entropy model and the quantity theory

Comparing methodologies (monetary base and short term interest rates)

Granger causality is an information equilibrium model

Definitions: information and effective

Obviously E. coli is a rational utility maximizer

Nonlinear Signals of Unusual Size (NSUS's)

Information transfer models and communication channels

Statistical significance is not model correctness

Model prediction holding up for Japan as well

Comparing NGDP predictions with results

Updated graphics for the entropic hot potato effect

Random utility discrete choice models, partition functions and information theory

Paper update

Assuming complexity?

Biologists' unoriginal and misguided ideas about economics

Kaldor, endogenous money and information transfer

Resolving the paradox of fiat money

Compressed sensing, information theory and economics

I guess I'm back

Implicit models: minimum wage and maximum entropy

Maybe Paul Romer would be interested in information equilibrium?

Scott, the serious flaw is expectations

Infinite expectations

Is economics just a collection of names?

Macro-finacial economics puzzles: 3 out of 10 ain't bad


The Sadowski Theory of Money

Paul Krugman's definition of a liquidity trap

The Euler equation as a maximum entropy condition

The importance of transversality conditions (more on the Ramsey model)

The Keynesian monetarists

Always look at the data (Keynesian economics edition)

Ramsey model and the unstable equilibrium of a pendulum

The quantity theory of money as an ensemble average

Nick Rowe shows us the prior

Ignoring the flexibility, prices are rigid

Is information transfer economics hard?

Forecasts from the new Bank of England blog

Modus omnia facere

This analysis is so bad

Still angry about Sumner's analytical garbage

Fiscal austerity logic fail

Scott Sumner fails to read third sentence of his own blog post

3/4 of a knife, 3/4 of a fork and 3/4 of a spoon

Growth and the business cycle in the information transfer model

Mathiness is next to growthiness (the 4% solution)

The definition, origin and purpose of money

Economics really needs a framework

Euler's theorem and non-ideal information transfer

Everything is awesome

You forgot to use my model: the non-case of Icelandic austerity

Counterfactuals and the second derivative

Euler's theorem, rival inputs and distinguishable particles

Exchange rates and irrational markets

Managing by wandering around

Maximum entropy and the 'natural rate' of unemployment

Adam Smith's circular logic and path dependence in economic theory

MINIMAC as an information equilibrium model

It's only a crisis if there's no foundation

Sumner is confused about Australia; I am not

Falsifiabilité, simplicité, succès ... ou la mort.

NGDP targeting is roughly the same as inflation targeting

Does a liquidity trap ever end?

Interface control documents and crashing satellites

Perfect storm or just-so story?

Celebrating 500 posts with a predictive success

Psychologies and paradigms

Max Headroom -oom -oom -oom

NY Fed DSGE model predictions are not doing well

Market monetarist logic fail

The mathematical properties of information equilibrium

The political method

2015 Q1 NGDP revised downward ...

Resolving the Cambridge capital controvery with abstract algebra

The basic asset pricing equation as a maximum entropy condition

Paul Romer feels misunderstood

Dynamics of the savings rate and Solow + IS-LM

The rest of the Solow model

What is economic growth?

Frameworks and the Bohr model analogy

Graphical version of my view of mathiness

About me

Prescott and Lucas aren't Romer's problem

Another mistake from Romer

The irony of Paul Romer's mathiness

Cobb and Douglas didn't have changing TFP, and Is TFP entropy?

The UK: another case of "productivity problems" where they don't exist

Mathiness and the Solow production function

Solow production function and nominal values

Money defined as information mediation

Leeches, a rant

Homo economicus and the Platonic ideal

The economic allocation problem

Exchange rates and monetary policy

I'm not sure Noah Smith understands the "physics envy" charge

On the use of hypotheses: or, what do you get when you assume non-ergodicity?

Japan's cash economy and the liquidity trap

Equilibrium in the economic potential picture

Utility maximization, matching and information equilibrium


The new NGDP numbers are here ...

Economic potentials or: How to define an economy

Happy birthday to this blog

How not to apply math and physics to economics

NGDP prediction updates

Do macro models need a financial sector?

Diamond-Dybvig as a maximum entropy model

Micro stickiness versus macro stickiness

Macro prices are sticky, not micro prices

The foundation

There's no natural constituency for information equilibrium

What did I miss?

Spring Break '15!

Thinking positive is thinking different

All models are wrong, but some are tedious

Information theory and economics, a primer

Incentives are an entropic force

Prediction markets, trends and models

Mark Thoma, information equilibrium is the model you're looking for

Solving the dark matter problem

What does the AD-AS model mean?

Towards an information equilibrium take on the Lucas Islands model

Will the UK be the first to exit the Great Recession?

The microfoundations straitjacket

Monetary regime change in the UK?

The Keynesian part of Abenomics is the part that works

The four percent solution

Non-ideal information transfer, tail risks and news shocks

Potential RGDP and forecast RGDP

Swiss update

Entropy and NGDP, take two

Entropy and NGDP

Supply and demand as entropy

Entropy and unemployment

The Wicksellian roundabout and entropy

The yield curve in 3D

The slowly variying information transfer index approximation

FRB shifts projections by one year, calls it a day

Entropy and the Walrasian auctioneer

Nominal rigidity is an entropic force

Predicting unpredictability

There is no theory?

Utility in an information equilibrium model

Japan inflation update

Real vs nominal

Price level model code

Send. More. Parameters.

The price system as a communication channel

Undershooting inflation

Most recent updates to core CPI and core PCE inflation

The long run in the UK, redux

Noah, information equilibrium is the theory you're looking for

The latest PCE inflation numbers are out ...

The hot potato effect is an entropic force

Theories of identities are nonsensical; information equilibrium conditions are better

Information equilibrium is an equivalence relation

Sumner to quantitative analysis: drop dead

Market monetarism and the Keynesian beauty contest

Do the different market models work simultaneously?

This plucking model, redux

Jaynes on entropy in economics

The cobweb model

Stubborn theoretical ideas

Information equilibrium paper (draft) (macroeconomics)


Why do macroeconomists think they know what it's like to be a physicist?

Information equilibrium paper (draft) (introduction and outline)

A Socratic dialog on the simple model of information equilibrium

Why focus on supply and demand?

A simple example of information equilibrium

Market monetarism: Quicker, easier, more seductive

Scott Sumner's contentless theory

The Fed seems over-optimistic on inflation

What if US inflation had been 2% since the 1960s?

Is the demand curve shaped by human behavior? How can we tell?

This is why sociologists think economists are arrogant

Lee Smolin's take on Arrow-Debreu

How do you measure the price level?

Keynesian economics in three graphs

Scott Sumner: Data mangler.

I'm not sure economists understand supply and demand

A Socratic dialog on information equilibrium in economics

The QE; it does nothing!

Scottish enlightenment photoblogging

Gold was irrelevant

Is this the market monetarist model?

Is the market intelligent?

Mr. Short Rate Risin'

Powerful evidence for the information transfer model

Floating the Swiss Franc won't change the price level

I strongly disagree with what you are talking about

Obscure references

I have no idea what you are talking about

The new CPI numbers are here! The new CPI numbers are here!

Solving the identification problem via information equilibrium

Switzerland depreciated their currency and still had deflation

Targeting NGDP is awesome (if only it worked)

Targeting NGDP is awesome

Better than Fed

Some discussion of the information transfer traffic model

Updates for Japan (and a major correction)

Below-target inflation

Keynesianism and NGDP growth

NGDP predictions and the new normal

What did I miss? — Comments on the work of others

Caught between the 3-month and 10-year interest rate

Top 5 posts of 2014

Two parameters vs twenty-nine (a prediction update)

Not bad for five parameters, take two

Eurozone deflation?

I'm back!