Sitemap - 2017 - Information Equilibrium

Checking some long term market forecasts against data

18 signs you are not having a productive conversation about economics

Emergence, rationality, and human behavior

Big facts

Dynamic information equilibrium model of initial claims

On these 33 theses

How is the CPI forecast holding up?

How is the civilian labor force participation forecast holding up?

Another unemployment rate forecast comparison

Latest unemployment numbers and structural unemployment

Does increased compensation cause increased productivity?

Supply and demand and science

Comparing the S&P 500 forecast to data (update)

Comparing my inflation forecasts to data

Dynamic information equilibrium: world population since the neolithic

Dynamic information equilibrium: UK CPI

Numerical experiments and the paths to scientific validity

The "bottom up" inflation fallacy

Unemployment rate step response over time

New CPI data and forecast horizons

Why k = 2?

Interest rates and dynamic equilibrium

A new Beveridge curve or, Science is Awesome

Presentation: forecasting with information equilibrium

JOLTS data out today

Checking my forecast performance: unemployment rate


Can a macro model be good for policy, but not for forecasting?

Another forecast compared to data

Forecast head-to-head performance (and looking back)

Corporate taxes and unscientific economists


Wage growth

The Beveridge curve

Real growth

In the right frame, economies radically simplify


10 year interest rate forecasts in the US and UK

Social constructs are social constructs

Bitcoin model fails usefulness criterion

Scaling of urban phenomena

Dynamic equilibrium: US prime age population

JOLTS leading indicators update

Compressed sensing and the information bottleneck

(Prime age) civilian labor force participation data

Latest unemployment data

The price mechanism as information bottleneck

The price mechanism and the information bottleneck

Checking in on an inflation forecast

A forecast validation bonanza

Different unemployment rates do not contain different information

Was the Phillips curve due to women entering the workforce?

Mutual information and information equilibrium

My introductory chapter on economics

Dynamic equilibrium versus the Federal Reserve

Information, real, nominal, and Solow

Ideal and non-ideal information transfer and demand curves

Marking my S&P 500 forecast to market

The long trend in energy consumption

The long trend in labor hours

Bitcoin update

Search and matching II: theory

Search and matching I: methodology

Random agents: one tool in the toolbox

Markups, productivity, and maximum entropy

Demand curves under the microscope

Bitcoin (fork) and SP500 forecast model updates

Solow has science backward

Random agents and political identity

Date update: civilian labor force

Recession detection algorithm: update

Who has two thumbs and a really great long term interest rate model?

Forecast updates and more: IE versus Fed DSGE model

Lazy econ critique critiques

A great review!

The replication argument

A random physicist takes on economics: Out now!

Latest book news

August blog break

Dynamic equilibrium in average hourly wages

Labor market model updates

More updates to the python IEtools

Comparing recoveries

Great Recession timing by state

The unchallenged assumption of human agency in economics

Economics criticism as art criticism

Bootstrapping measurements

The unrealistic assumptions of information equilibrium

Dynamic equilibrium and ensembles (and collected results)

Adding race and gender to macroeconomics

Macro ensembles and factors of production

Gross National Product

Self-similarity in dynamic equilibrium

Updating Samuelson's family tree ...

A dynamic equilibrium history of the United States

Causality in money and inflation ... plus some big questions

What mathematical theory is for


UK Unemployment 1860-1915 (dynamic equilibrium model)

Dynamic equilibrium model: CPI (all items)

Presentation: macroeconomics and ensembles

Unemployment 1929-1968 (dynamic equilibrium model)

Keynes versus Samuelson

JOLTS leading indicators?

Does information equilibrium add information?

The labor demand curve

A few forecast updates

Racial disparities in the unemployment rate

Dynamic equilibrium: unemployment in Hong Kong

Self-similarity of macro and micro

Barriers to entry in the quantitative parable industry

Forecast stability (unemployment rate edition)

Information transfer economics FAQ (reference post)

Wasserstein GAN and information equilibrium

Today's Fed decision and recession indicators

Consumption, income, and wealth

Milton Friedman's question begging

JOLTS and narratives

Unemployment forecasts: May data update

Emergence and over-selling information theory

Civilian labor force participation and inflation

Dynamic equilibrium and the bitcoin exchange rate

Checking in on some forecasts of core PCE inflation


Money is unimportant

Scale invariance and wealth distributions

More on Hayek and information theory

Principal component analysis of state unemployment rates

My article at Evonomics

Explore more about information equilibrium

Theory and evidence in science versus economics

Government spending and receipts: a dynamic equilibrium?

Dynamic equilibrium in employment-population ratio in OECD countries

"You're wrong because I define it differently"

Labor force dynamic equilibrium

Mathiness in modern monetary theory

The reason for the proliferation of macro models?

Updated finance fortune-telling

Core PCE inflation = -1.7%?

Can we see a Phillips curve?

High dimensional budget constraints and economic growth

Update to the predicted path of NGDP

What will the GDP number be tomorrow?

Falsehoods scientists believe about economics

Should the left engage with neoclassical economics?

Dynamic equilibrium: rental vacancy rate

This "working paper" is now four years old

Good ideas do not need lots of invalid arguments in order to gain public acceptance

Economics to physics phrasebook

Housing prices over the long run (are we in a boom?)

Growth regimes, lowflation, and dynamic equilibrium

A tour of information equilibrium

Organization of information equilibrium concepts

Dynamic equilibrium in occupational classes

It's a production input. No, it's a market good. Relax, it's both.

Is economics scientific? A short play in one act.

Predicting future recessions?

Determining recessions with an algorithm

The price adjustment equation and information equilibrium

Lecture on effective field theory

Unemployment rate (conditional) forecast update

Macrohistory database: more principal component analysis

Anatomy of a tweet

Finance fortune-telling

Productivity, growth, and Verdoorn's law

Macroeconomics has no equilibrium data

The recovery and using models to frame data

Explaining versus defining (models vs model definitions)

Mainstream macro is the worst form of macro, except for all those other forms

"Improved" quantity theory of labor and capital

The mystery of Japan's inflation

Three centuries of dynamic equilibria in the UK

The "quantity theory of labor" and dynamic equilibrium

India's demonetization and model scope

Using PCA to remove cyclical effects

Belarus and effective theories

Washington's unemployment rate, Seattle's minimum wage, and dynamic equilibrium

The Fed raised interest rates today, oh boy

Principal component analysis of jobs data

Physicists, by XKCD

How do you know if you're researching in bad faith? A handy checklist.

Models: predictions and prediction failures

S&P 500 forecast versus data: March update

Comparing the unemployment forecast to the March data

Academic norms and the Charles Murray incident

Ecological fallacy and emergent dynamics

Nikkei 225

Dynamic equilibrium: the price of gold (and oil)

NAIRU and other connections between inflation and employment

Monetary base update

Generative adversarial networks and information equilibrium

Invariance and deep properties

Qualitative analysis done right, part 2b

Behavioral Euler equations and non-ideal information transfer

Dynamic equilibrium: Australia's unemployment rate

A bit more on the IT index (technical)

Qualitative economics done right, part 2a

Added some models to the repository ...

Classical Econophysics

Information equilibrium code repositories

All information equilibrium, all the time

Qualitative economics done right, part 2

Why not ask a scientist?

The lack of uniqueness of Arrow-Debreu equilibria

Randomly generated economies (a work in progress)

Qualitative economics done right, part 1

Worthwhile Canadian prediction comes true

Heterogeneous labor supply shocks

Unemployment forecast update

Monetary base and interest rate forecast updates

A desired wealth to income ratio as a dynamic equilibrium

What about the S&P 500?

Housing prices and dynamic equilibrium

Updating NGDP path prediction

Matching theory and employment in information equilibrium

Roger Farmer's post-Keynesian gambit

An inflation forecast comparison update

Dynamic equilibrium (presentation)

Explaining the better wisdom of crowds

Dynamic equilibrium: employment population ratio

Rev. Bayes and the Dragon

Dynamic equilibrium in an agent based model?

The economy of the United Kingdom

Nick Rowe's view of the AD/AS model

Unemployment forecasts

A good series on macro and microfoundations

Curve fitting and relevant complexity

Stocks and k-states, part V

Consumption, income, and the PIH

Dynamic unemployment equilibrium: Japan edition

Dynamic unemployment equilibrium: Eurozone edition

Dynamic equilibrium: unemployment rate

A dynamic equilibrium in JOLTS data?

With an unbiased prior, market failure is the most likely outcome

Behavior, institutions, and other modeling assumptions

Complex systems versus complicated systems

An updated unemployment rate projection

The ISLM model (reference post)

Stocks and k-states, part IV