Sitemap - 2014 - Information Equilibrium

A strange phrenology of money

Echoes of the financial crisis

An information transfer traffic model

On travel for fun for once

Inflation is information theory not ethical philiosophy

How money transfers information from the future to the present

Meeting expectations halfway

What does $E_{t} \pi_{t+1}$ mean?

Information equilibrium theories satisfy the Lucas critique

The information transfer Solow growth model is remarkably accurate

An information transfer DSGE model

Japan's new recession

Abstract and notes for Ignite Seattle talk

Is market monetarism wrong because the market is wrong?

Because empirical success

In which I irritate Nick Rowe (again)

The information transfer model and the econoblogosphere

More goodness from Nick Rowe

Assume a (neo-Fisherite) can opener

In which I agree with John Cochrane (again)

Maybe it should be called the ignorance equilibrium model?

Quantitative Easing: cleanest experiment ever?

Expectations (rational or otherwise) and information loss

The trouble with Nick Rowe's expectations without concrete steps

Psychohistory? (Qu'est-ce que c'est)

Supply and demand for non-ideal information transfer (and other stuff)

Did the Fed cause the Great Recession in the Eurozone?

Coordination costs money, causes recessions

Can China successfully slow down?

Entropy, in three pieces

There is no limit to how many things humans can tell each other to do

Under the spell of the expectations fairy

Updated (non-existent) 3D Phillips curve with PCE inflation

Wage stickiness is an entropic force

The lucky streak of Bill Gross

Deriving the "fudge factor" in the interest rate market

Inflation in Japan (update/correction)

Jason versus the New York Fed DSGE model

The economic combinatorial problem

The Great Stagnation: the information transfer non-story

Does Canada know about the information transfer model?

Information transfer prediction aggregation

Jason versus the Fed (update)

Jason versus the Fed Presidents (addendum)

Jason versus the Fed Presidents

The US economy: 1798 to the present

The liquidity effect and the inflation/income effect

The path of policy is strongly dependent on the path of policy

Another analogy for monetary policy and recessions

Distilling Fisher relationship data

What is inflation?

The bitcoin wall

Suggestive graph juxtaposition

Recessions and avalanches

Jason versus the Fed

500 € ... sounds like a lot of money

The emerging story of the Great Recession?

Update on Japanese inflation


Feynman gets one wrong?

What would happen if the Fed unwound the QE?

What do exchange rates measure?

Annihilation and sterilization

Insights from non-ideal information transfer in physical processes

Which way does the information flow?

Walras' law, information theory edition

Was the Fed's quantitative easing serious overkill?

Improved estimate of pre-Depression currency in circulation

Smooth move

Looking at the foundations of money

Fisher's proto-information transfer economics

Is policy relevant?

You don't need to understand how people make choices ...

Are interest rates a good indicator of recessions?

Will I be labeled an ECB apologist, too?

Can information theory predict recessions?

Rationality and entropic forces

The meaning of economies without humans

On taking the people out of economics

Testing an animation

Against human-centric macroeconomics

Monetary regime change

"Lowflation" is a meaningful concept

When will information theory influence economics?

Zen kōan inflation targeting

The economic future of China is so bright (I gotta wear shades)

Prediction update: not bad for five parameters

I do not think that calculation means what you think it means

On travel again

Chinese statistics seem just fine

Beware implicit modeling

New preprint on information transfer

Is monetary policy best?

Rationality is beside the point

US inflation predictions

Inflation prediction errors

Better than TIPS

Aggregate demand is aggregate information

If physics blogs were like economics blogs

In defense of equilibrium

Remarkable recovery regularity and other observations

Information transfer is a state of mind

Worthwhile Canadian Prediction

Why printing more money could have done nothing

From Russia with love

Notes from Ben Bernanke and the P* model

What does "model" mean?

How good is the price level function approximation?

More on Japanese inflation

A challenge to macroeconomists

Output and price level behavior across several economies

Hard core information transfer economics

Is the supply curve flat?

Towards Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie equilibrium, part N of N

The macroeconomic partition function and the information transfer index

Random markets and partition functions

A thousand more random markets

A thousand random markets

Towards Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie equilibrium, part 2 of N

Towards Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie equilibrium, part 1 of N

"The" information transfer model

Great review of Big Ideas in Macroeconomics on Noahpinion

What if money was made of vinegar?

Some prediction fun (ECB edition)

Reconciling expectation and information

Is this what Noah Smith is referring to?

Krugman, Keynes and the liquidity trap

Comments from Free Radical

Answering some technical questions

How does a liquidity trap work?

Money: the unit of information and the medium of information exchange

Seattle's new minimum wage and information theory

On travel again = light blogging

Post bump (understanding sticky wages and recessions)

"Out of sample" predictions with the information transfer model

More on Cobb-Douglas functions and information transfer

The Solow growth model and information transfer

Utility is silly and other observations

Limits of the information transfer model

Causality in the information transfer framework

A starry-eyed aside on methodology

Analysis of Morgan Warstler's proposal

Want to make your own ITM S&D diagrams?

Monetary offset: what are the assumptions?

Models matter

Switzerland and Sweden

Do monetary aggregates measure money demand?

Adventures in circular reasoning

Blowing the anti-neo-Fisherite model out of the water

Equilibrium in a two-good market

Good ad hoc vs bad ad hoc

The effect of expectations in economics (third addendum)

Back to the abstract

The effect of expectations in economics (second addendum)

The effect of expectations in economics (addendum)

The effect of expectations in economics

A neo-Fisherite rebellion? Yes, please.

Expectations destroy information

Light to no blogging starting a few days ago

Inflation predictions are hard, especially about future inflation

What's up with M1?

Broad money, narrow money and interest rates

The downward trend in real interest rates

Monte Carlo economy

Economics is neither physics nor computer science

The diminishing effect of monetary expansion (reference post)

Identifying monetary regime change?

Moar Monte Carlo

The monetary base as a sand pile

The ISLM model (again)

The Fisher effect

The effects that move interest rates

The informaton transfer version of Nick Rowe's version of Keynes' General Theory

Nick Rowe's model of the money stock

Unsolved problems in information transfer macroeconomics [update: solved]

How money transfers information

What's up with NGDP?

Interest rates in the UK

Apples, bananas and the information transfer model of supply and demand

Information theory, black holes and finance

Macroeconomic predictions for 2016

The Texas economic miracle?

Information transfer and Cobb-Douglas matching functions

Inequality and information theory

The Fed's effective unemployment rate target

Modeling macroeconomic fluctuations

Monetary Abenomics has not generated inflation

Did the Fed offset the ARRA?

The effect of the ARRA

The Fed caused the Great Recession

Phlogiston economics is information economics

Tight monetary policy is an artifact of being in a liquidity trap

A two-way Lucas critique

A physicist reads the economics blogs

II. Entropy and microfoundations

I. Quantity theory and effective field theory

Micro-deflationary monetary micro-expansion?

Extracting shocks (again)

Sticky wages, information transfer and piece work

This model is sufficiently awesome to see seasonal effects

Models and metrics

A deflationary monetary expansion case study: Japan

The impact of Abenomics

Tuftean Dadaism

The link between the monetary base and interest rates

Australia, the UK and the EU

It really does seem to be about the size of your (currency) base

Inflation, RGDP and expected RGDP

The role of central bank reserves in the economy

The Phillips curve in 3D

It doesn't matter what people think

RGDP growth does not have unit root

Rich countries, poor countries, Japan and Argentina

Two kinds of stickiness

Fiscal expansion in irregular economics

Strange new monetary worlds

Rational behavior at the ECB?

Counterfactuals and natural experiments: the US and EU

The effect of "the sequester"

What is and isn't explained by the information transfer model

An information transfer framework analysis of the US economy, part 2

An information transfer framework analysis of the US economy, part 1

Say it ain't so

Three dimensional thinking

Think globally, fit locally?

Worthwhile Canadian Interest Rate

Kappa and I

Visualizing the interest rate

Top three posts of 2013