Sitemap - 2018 - Information Equilibrium

Markets continuing to fall

Dynamic equilibrium model forecast performance: PCE inflation

This is fine.

CPI forecast performance over the past two years

My neglected Nikkei 225 forecast

The last employment situation report of 2018

Imagine there's no bubble

Ambiguous histories: productivity

Third quarter GDP numbers

I don't trust Granger causality

Data dump: JOLTS, CPI

Unions, inequality, and labor share

I'll say similar things for half the salary

Construction hiring, the Great Recession, and the ARRA

An information equilibrium history of the Great Recession

Unemployment: forecasts and reality

Comparing my S&P 500 forecast to observations


New Zealand's 2% inflation target

Let's not assume that

Limits to wage growth

The CBO forecasts unemployment (and so do I)

Labor force participation and unemployment

Are consumption, income, and GDP different measures?

JOLTS day (October 2018)

Building "models"

Wage growth data from the Atlanta Fed

Interest rates and model scope

Consumer Price Index (CPI) forecast performance

Unemployment continues to decline — why?

"Outside the Box" Workshop

Extended JOLTS hires series (and a 2014 mini-boom)

Dynamic equilibrium: flow from unemployed to employed

Comparing to Fed forecasts from 2014

Brexit and growth

The September FOMC meeting

What do equations mean?

Forecasting the Great Recession: the unemployment rate

JOLTS data: no real change

Unemployment rate holds steady at 3.9%

Labor day! ... and declining union membership

Successfully forecast over 1½ years of S&P 500 data

UK interest rate model performance

Dynamic equilibrium: inflation forecast update

Shifts and drifts of the Beveridge curve

Something has changed in long term unemployment

Wage growth update

Tractability and scope

JOLTS data and the counterfactual 2019 recession update

Validating forecasts: unemployment rate edition

Interest rates, yield curves, and debt growth

Wage growth versus employment-population ratio

NGDP data and validating forecasts

Does accelerating debt growth cause recessions?

What do we mean by ignorance?

Rental vacancy data versus forecast

DSGE Battle Royale: Christiano v. Stiglitz

One purpose of information theory

Wage growth (and finishing out bitcoin)

July update of CPI (with June data)

Counterfactual 2019 recession update (JOLTS data)

Economic growth in India

Unemployment up to 4.0% (but still consistent with forecast)

Why hate on beauty?

PCE inflation and checking forecast validity

Yield curve inversion and a future recession

Q: When is bad methodology fine?

[Insert new approach to economics] isn't empirical

Wage growth showing signs of a downward shock

Explaining recessions with definitions?

CPI inflation forecast from 2017 still going strong

Women in the workforce and labor share

Measuring labor demand

Rethinking interest rates?

JOLTS data and the "2019" recession

Consumption over investment

Unemployment rate time series is on trend

Latest PCE inflation data

Vacancy yield and labor market analysis

Inflation and the labor force in Japan

The price level in Germany

Women in the workforce and investment

Market & business cycle forecasts: update

A list of macro meta-narratives

Limits to knowledge of growth

UK productivity and data interpretation

Comparing dynamic equilibria

Labor force participation and wages: latest data

Macro criticism, but not that kind

Gender differences in unemployment

Validating my CPI inflation forecast

Labor force participation and gravity waves

Thinking like a physicist: MaxEnt edition

JOLTS data

Recessions and special snowflakes

Robots versus shipping containers

Down, down, down: the unemployment rate

Three sigma deviation in the 10-year rate

Letter to Dirk Bezemer

Making friends: David Orrell

No one saw this coming: Bezemer's misleading paper

The ability to predict

Comparing my forecasts to VARs

Are prices transmitting or destroying information?

New GDP numbers and validating some forecasts

Info Eq and commonalities in successful Econ (+ gravity models)

The economic way of thinking?

The KL divergence as a price

We've got five years, what a surprise

Tractability for tractability's sake?

An agnostic equilibrium

Yes, I've read Duncan Foley. Have you?

JOLTS forecasts and leading indicators update

Employment situation forecasts compared to latest data

Labor force decline in the US relative to other OECD countries is mostly about women

What about those markets?

Overshooting: bitcoin case study

Sustained growth?

Effective information in complex models of the economy

Fed revises its projections (again)

It's the 80s!

JOLTS data day!

Okun's law and the labor force

Why I dislike the map metaphor in economics

Employment growth and wages

Black labor force participation

CPI data and the end of "lowflation"

New forecast comparisons to track (US output and inflation)


Vestigial monetarism: Japan edition

Validating employment situation forecasts

Trends in macro observables: twitter talk and pdf download

Economic growth in Australia 1960-present

Dynamic equilibrium model: fertility as a leading indicator

Shock cluster analysis and some new visualizations

Forecast performance of a quantity theory of labor

Women in the workforce and the Solow paradox

Dynamic equilibrium in wage growth

Are interest rates inexplicably high?

Comparing CPI forecasts to data

Some historical myths about Einstein and relativity

Economic seismograms: labor and financial markets

What is the chance of seeing deviations in three JOLTS measures?

JOLTS data ... and that market crash?

Long term exercises in hubris: forecasting the S&P 500

African American unemployment spike

Unemployment and labor force participation (models vs data)

When did we become gluten intolerant?

Economic growth, path dependence, and non-equilibrium shocks

2.4% growth forever?

On prediction parables

Losing my vestigial monetarism

Looking at horses

Another successful forecast (NGDP)

Varying $\langle k \rangle$

(A bad) dynamic equilibrium: homelessness in Seattle

Money is the aether of macroeconomics

What to theorize when your theory's rejected

Is low inflation ending?

Immigration is a major source of growth

Labor shortages reported by firms

JOLTS follow-up

Happy JOLTS data day

Qualitative economics done right, part 3

Labor market update: comparing forecasts to data

Structural breaks, volatility regimes, and dynamic equilibrium

Canada's below-target inflation

Most popular posts of 2017

New paper up at SSRN